Budget Packages

Select Your Packages

2 Homepage Layout Options ( Customized ).*
HTML5 Coding with CSS3.
Your Company Logo inserted.*
5 web pages with your content..
Contact Us page with form.
Meta tag and heading tag for SEO
W3C Validation for error free website.
Google site Map Created.
Analytic Code inserted.
Email Support & Telephone / Skype Help.
Upgrades available at low cost.
100% satatisfaction guaranteed.

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• No company Logo yet? Please see our logo packaged as we can design you a company logo at very reasonable rates.

• In case you want to use paid images on website you can purchase then and we will put it online.

• Domain name, hosting Details and database provided by client.

• Content will be provided by client. We can write content if required. Please see our content writing package

• Layout if changed by client after final approval, will cost extra.

• Paid images will cost extra.